Pink Moon Sweat Lodge
11:00 AM11:00

Pink Moon Sweat Lodge

Do you feel the call to cleanse, release, and renew?

Are you longing for deep connection—with yourself, with nature, with community?

Under the light of the Pink Moon, step into the sacred womb of the sweat lodge and emerge reborn, lighter, and aligned with the rhythms of spring.

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Unleash Your Lioness: 3 Step Process to Create Peace & Step into Your Purpose & Power
5:00 PM17:00

Unleash Your Lioness: 3 Step Process to Create Peace & Step into Your Purpose & Power

Are you seeking practical tools to stay aligned with your mission while nurturing your well-being? In this FREE masterclass, discover how sacred rituals, yoga nidra meditation, and journaling can help you release overwhelm, restore balance, and reconnect with your purpose. Step into clarity, confidence, and the empowered leadership you were born for. Reserve your spot today!

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Rainbow Sweat Ceremony & Potluck
12:00 PM12:00

Rainbow Sweat Ceremony & Potluck

Are you feeling like you could benefit from a renewal of Spirit? Need a reset or know of someone else you’d like to share a transformational experience with? Let Your Cares Melt Away in Our Relaxing Rainbow Sweat Lodge Ceremony. All Are Welcome for a Memorable, Stress-Free Experience in the Heart of Nature: Crestone, Colorado.

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Blossoming Aphrodite ~ Celebrating that which brings Joy
3:00 PM15:00

Blossoming Aphrodite ~ Celebrating that which brings Joy

You are invited to join our afternoon celebration where JOY is the medicine! Feeling our personal connection to what beauty and love is, the seeds of our dreams are coming into fruition. SPRING!!! We are surrounded by budding kingdoms of the earth to whom we share this existence. Aphrodite is our honored deity. She reminds us to be ourselves, pay attention to what brings us pleasure and appreciate beauty.

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We Are Medicine
4:00 PM16:00

We Are Medicine

  • 3516 South Depew Street Unit 303 Lakewood, CO, 80235 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As healers, we are coming together as a community offering different medicine modalities so that we may all thrive. Come join us as we dive into learning different healing opportunities! A handful of medicine people will be coming together to offer workshops, yummy goodies to sample, & provide tools to use through daily life for healing!

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Day Medicine Lodge
1:00 PM13:00

Day Medicine Lodge

You are warmly invited back to the womb of the mother in our Medicine Sweat Lodge Ceremony. Let's do some deep healing work while communing with the Spirits of all realms. This is a special opportunity for you to share peyote songs and explore with Grandfather medicine. Be prepared for a life changing afternoon that may be just the thing to help reset your energies in a BIG way.

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All Women's Sweat Lodge
12:00 PM12:00

All Women's Sweat Lodge

Renew our connection to the Divine through all of Creation. We come together in the symbolic womb to heal, sweat, and sing together. As womb holders, what can we release that no longer serves us on our path of creation? What prayers do we have to offer? Now it is time to voice this out to the cosmos which in turn allows our heart's desires to manifest!

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Reigniting Your Inner Flame ~ A Women's Full Moon Exploration
3:00 PM15:00

Reigniting Your Inner Flame ~ A Women's Full Moon Exploration

Soul Tree Yoga studio in Lafayette, Colorado will be our beautiful spacious container to consciously journey into the new year together. Take this time to connect with like hearted sisters and explore the inward phase on the wheel of the year. We're going to have a fabulous time singing, dancing, journeying, as well as becoming crystal clear on where we are needing to place our attention, intending our dreams to manifest!

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Wirikuta Offering 7 day Retreat
to Oct 14

Wirikuta Offering 7 day Retreat

Experience plant medicine ritual of living lineage with Marakame healer of the Wixarika tribe in Wirikuta

  • Immerse yourself in traditional ceremonies where Grandfather medicine grows.

  • Connect in Spiritual Family in a way that you never have before.

  • Transform in new ways so that you may journey into the coming season with new perspective.

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Lioness Retreat
to Aug 7

Lioness Retreat

Goddesses ~ Let's play in the magickal time of Leo!

We’re in the time of Leo, before early autumn sets in and we are ready to ROAR. We stand for all those that need standing for. We love life, family, sisterhood, this world, and ourselves….. and especially to laugh!

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