Heart of Ma
“Andrea and the family she has brought together have helped ground me in myself, in the work I’m doing on myself, and have inspired in me a deep desire to be of service in as many ways as I can. I’m so grateful for this journey and for Andrea and in guiding me onto this path. It has truly changed my life into one of intention, prayer, service, and so much love.”
Open to ALL who feel the call to honor the Divine in her many forms at this time. We anchor our roots into Mother Earth as we stretch our consciousness to our star relatives. Every living Being is a part of the Creation Story. We are all related. Based out of the mountains of Colorado, Heart of Ma is a collection of mixed ancestry individuals and families from all over the world. We stand for reclaiming our wild roots not only as the animals that we are, but as conscious co-creators. Freedom of expression is highly valued as we appreciate cultural diversity rather than operate from a place of fear and separation.
Our focus is to uplift ALL Beings as equivalent recognizing that each one of us plays our unique role in the beautiful orchestration we call life. After many millenia having been suppressed, qualities of the Feminine are encouraged expressions; emotion, sexuality, intuition, spirituality, vulnerability, receptivity, unconditional love, and creativity. Releasing a full range of energies from within is essential for us to live our days in truth and joy.
We know that deep healing begins in our own body, mind, and spirit. By returning to natural rhythms in our external and internal worlds, we then flow harmoniously with those around us. Nourishing ourselves and others, being there for one another to lend a hand when needed and during challenging times, as well as sharing joyous moments are just some of the ways we are truly our own healing society. We are a wildly rich community who shares ceremonies, celebrations, and other gatherings honoring the Divine in all that we do. As we live our prayers, each moment is a ceremony. With compassion and truth, through intention and effort, we are returning home as we continue to lift one another up.
“Andrea has built a community of loving, non-judgmental people who have a shared vision for discovery and relationship building. The space she hosts is always very inclusive and offers opportunity to be seen and heard. There is also something special to be said for having a woman as the guide. As a woman myself, this has brought a comfort in altered states that I think greatly contributes to my experiences. I also appreciate that Andrea is so mindful on how she sources her medicines, from food to natural plant medicines. ”
Equal Opportunity
The heart is at the center of all offered by Andrea recognizing the Oneness in our entire range of existence. In this equation there are no “buts”, only inclusion. If it exists here, it is alive and included in the phrase “we are all related”. All of her offerings abide by this rule of inclusivity. We stand for equal opportunity regardless of age, race, identity, sexual preference, class, etc…. We do not tolerate or support acts of separation, alienation, shame, fear, or other behaviors that do not honor the natural beauty of each BEING.
In line with this concept of equal opportunity, we welcome all who feel called to join. Options are available for those who are not able to meet exchange suggestions in monetary form. Please contact us to explore possibilities.
Heart of Ma flows inside of you, every living Being, the ONE, radiating a vibration of love and harmony uniting all Beings.
Who is Heart of Ma?
Heart of Ma radiates a vibration of love and harmony uniting all Beings. The reawakening has begun. She lives inside of you. She is that inner force that pulls us closer to our center, the ONE that is ALL. From the corners of the universe to the central fire in our heart, we are family. Our earth mother is ever present, ever ready, embracing our entirety in each moment. Do we recognize her many faces? How do we allow HER to manifest?
In her heart lies the multidimensional doorway between worlds. Piercing is the Eagle Star of Truth. This is where all merges into oneness. It is always accessible, a familiar place within/out, all encompassing, without borders or judgements, existing beyond time, space, and karma. Integrity is at the core of this star as each one of us strives towards harmony in the ways that we show up in the world. This is a profound symbol existing in Egyptian lore, Christianity, and other sacred spiritual traditions.
Reflecting through the past, present, and future, we are star beings made of spirit and form, sky and earth, water and fire, radiating out to fellow relatives as well as the entire cosmos. Our roots reach deep to the core of our Mother while we become increasingly connected to the vastness that is who we are. Together we reclaim the potency of our existence. Believing is the magic that transforms our realities and we will not settle for less.
Heart of Ma Origins
Andrea’s daughter Uma Long is a fantasy illustrator and has been raised in global community traveling to distant lands and welcoming visitors to our home throughout her childhood. Support Uma’s art!
In the words of Andrea, this is how heart of Ma was created:
Over 20 years ago, shortly prior to my father leaving this earthly realm, we came up with a woman design that I would use in my healing arts practice. I felt her come through deeply rooted in the earth and radiating outwards to the sky and beyond. This image was all I could think of to represent myself and how interconnected we are with our surrounding natural world. What I remember most was the joy we felt being together while allowing spirit to move us. There was a point when he formed a four pointed star with a beautiful aura of color around it. I immediately knew this was it! Little did I know, this star would be the central symbol of empowerment that I would draw from personally as well as share with others in future ceremonies.
To better reflect who I have become and my mission to reignite the Goddess, I decided to reintroduce her powerful presence. My daughter Uma added to the original image with some of my own requests in her own unique style and I am forever grateful to have her energy as part of our design. Finally, Bridget Ishmael added in the aura back intuitively without realizing it had been there as she created it years ago which I am ecstatic about! I believe that I was called upon by my star SELF as well as the ancestors to spread the energy of this Divine representation for planetary healing.