Ancient Ritual


We have the ability to create tradition in the now as did our ancestors. Not so disconnected as we may have been taught in our current culture, you and I can tap into the teachings of the Grandmothers and Grandfathers.

Ancient rituals have been adapted to suit who we are as Humans in these bodies during these rapidly changing technological times. We hold dear to our hearts our connection to the elements, fellow earth creatures, the stars, and our ancestors which is our birthright. Chants are sung around the sacred fire passed from generation to generation. We honor specific Deities in alignment with the wheel of the year. We may share these songs in Goddess Medicine Ceremonies. Would you like to learn a song or two and support this progressive movement of Divine Feminine worship and self empowerment? Join our email list, get involved, visit us in Crestone, Colorado.

Peta Owihankesni, in the Lakota language translates as the fire without end passed from generation to generation. This is a universal teaching.

Andrea has tapped into the roots of her Being by offering Ancient Rituals based on the elements and essentials of Earth based ceremonies. She draws upon traditions that have been preserved from India, Europe, North America, and wherever is most appropriate to each unique gathering. In addition to rekindling teachings from living lineages, she is honoring transmissions from the spirits. Through visions received under altars of North America, Andrea has been guided to rebirth prehistoric practices. We honor the Divine in all that is. Deities and elemental Beings are worshiped in coordination with the wheel of the year. We share in devotional practices joining the physical/spiritual, masculine/feminine, earth/sky. Songs are magical incantations which are chanted in the languages of all our ancestors.

Examples of Ancient Rituals that we have shared in the past include but are not limited to:

  • Awakening Persephone (Spring Equinox Medicine Journey)

  • New Moon Magick Masquerade (Women’s Retreat)

  • Full Moon Halloween Prayer Party (Dress as our Ancestors healing lineages)

  • Medicine Lodge

Ritual Dance

Since long before the written word, dance has been a way for humans to celebrate life and pray to the spirits. In alignment with the changing seasons and other cycles in our lives, we have moved our bodies, connecting with elementals of the earth and sky. Participating in various dance traditions of the world helps us to catch a glimpse of what it feels like to experience the magic of ancient ritual. We honor all traditions, appreciating that each of us are a part of this beautiful home we call Mother Earth.

Some dancing rituals are still in existence around the globe while others are but a faint, distant bodily memory. We feel it in our bones. We know that some of our ancestors are calling us to reclaim these seemingly lost ancient patterns of the universe. It is up to us to allow the lost dances to return through our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Dancing a specific animal or energy is a profound dancing the Spirit of the butterfly.

Dream Dance Crestone, Colorado 2015

Dream Dance

The Dream Dance is the initiation and entrance into the Dream Society. This celebration takes place in late Summer with the waxing moon to full on the final night. Those wishing to dance would commit to dancing four nights. The Ceremony begins with a sweat lodge in the evening, and every evening after until the last morning when it all comes to a close in the morning. Dancers assemble around the sacred fire at dusk and dance four different intervals throughout the night. Everyone is welcome to participate or support our Ceremonials.This dance serves to connect the people to their dreams. By dancing one can strengthen the connection to the animals or powers of one’s dreams by dancing as that animal or power. Dancers would only fast from food that conflicts with the animal or power that they represent. For instance, if someone were representing elk, they would not eat elk meat. This will be a full Ceremony that you will surely never forget! Dancing our Dream Energy is a way to bring into manifestation our soul's purpose.Dancing a specific animal or energy is a profound dancing the Spirit of the butterfly. Preparations: Through our dreams we will know what animal or power we represent. As participants we may wear body paint and regalia according to our dreams. We do ask that everyone dancing wears shoes that they do not wear outside of Ceremonies such as moccasins or are barefoot. There are no strict guidelines for what to wear. The important thing is to follow the guidance from Spirit.

Communicating through dreams is an important task for dancers to bring their specific representation into this dance. Ideas to connect to Dream time and to receive a clear message are to make a dream altar, pray, send a letter, or manifest an object from a dream. If clear messages are not received from dreams, there is no need to worry. Everyone has an intuitive connection of the energies to bring into this realm through meditation or by what objects surround us. Participating in the Dream Dance will heighten this vital connection to Dream Time. We suggest that any dancer who partakes of drugs or alcohol refrains from that, in order to help clear the pathways to receive messages. As all with all of our Ceremonies, pets, drugs, and alcohol are not permitted. Each of us is responsible for our own bedding, tent, chair (if needed), and special food requirements.