THE Divine Feminine has gradually been re emerging in recent years and is speeding up. We are at the forefront. What a treat that is unfolding as many of us connect with our own ancient roots while recognizing our ONEness. So much gratitude to Spirit that we are alive here now.
Spirituality and Health magazine featured Andrea!!! Form a Goddess Circle, Find Your Sacred Self by Winter Ross
Learn what Andrea has to say about integration and how we need to take it easy sometimes. The Psychedelic Integration Podcast
““Andrea holds ceremony space with skill, tenderness, power, and obvious love for the work. Every time I’ve been in ceremony with her - and even just conversation - I learn something from her about how to live more authentically. I have always felt like my whole self and all my questions were welcome in ceremonies, and have been gently reminded to return to joy and aliveness. Andrea helps me remember to live from my heart because that is how she lives and I can’t wait to continue working with her in all the workshops and ceremonies she has to offer.””
Why is the buffalo sacred?
Many people associate the buffalo with Native American cultures when in fact forms of buffalo may have roamed the entire earth. They are intricately connected to the existence of the human species. The Cave of Altamira located near the historic town Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, Spain is renowned for its Paleolithic cave paintings. The earliest paintings in the cave were executed around 35,600 years ago. Prehistoric depictions and sacred Temples of the Goddess honoring the sacred buffalo have been uncovered in many countries of Europe.
All life comes from the divine womb of our mother. Strikingly similar to each other, the Fallopian tubes and the horns of the Bull are a direct representation of the union between feminine and masculine.
Did you know that the term buffalo was created in the language from the not to distant past? True buffalos are different animals that live in Asia and Africa. American bison, on the other hand, live only in North America. Early American settlers probably called bison “bufello" because French fur trappers called these huge animals boeufs due to their similarity to oxen. Presently forms of our beautiful relative exist in Africa, Australia, Asia, North America, and Europe.
Heart of Ma remembers and honors the sacred buffalo nation who once roamed ALL of Mother Earth. The most widespread cult of the ancient world surrounded Goddess worship which was accompanied by the Bull. This symbol represents the entire range of humanity and is the ultimate power of the Goddess. We celebrate sacred worship of our buffalo relatives through various traditions around the globe. She is the Crescent Horned Moon Goddess: Inanna, Hathor, Hera, Astarte, Luna, White Buffalo Calf Woman, to name a few.
One of the most important stories in Native American mythology is that of the White Buffalo Calf Woman. Whope, Falling Star appeared to Earth from the West and transformed into Pte San Win. The Chanupa, Sacred Pipe was brought to the people for peace between people and nations. The White Buffalo Calf Woman intervenes in our lives when there is hardship. She and the bufffalo are one, an equation between nourishment and reproduction. Tatanka Sicun, Buffalo Spirit represents the energy of life as food and shelter for the people. Humans are being called to speak to the Buffalo Nation by way of song and prayer.
Teachings are received by our Elders as well as from the voice within
Chief Aurelio is working to circulate indigenous knowledge, bring people together strengthening unity, and sharing sacred medicines. This work is based in the prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor, representing the North and South Americas, in which indigenous nations unite as one. Tekpankalli is the spiritual leader (cantoneiro) of the Native Church of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan and President of the Confederation Condor and Eagle. Tekpankalli lives in Michoacan, México, but travels all over the world, conducting ceremonies with indigenous and non-indigenous populations, and focusing his energy on the Movement of Peace and Dignity, since 1992, which consists of ceremonial marches being realized all throughout the Americas, from Alaska and Patagônia and culminating in México. Chefe Aurelio is the author of various books, such as: "Una Voz para los Hijos de La Tierra" (“A Voice for the Children of the Earth”)
“We propose to try to eliminate all those unnecessary things that have caused this chaos in which we live. Not to abuse the creative energy, the fine energy of the spirit; that we can conduct ourselves in a good way and that we can be useful and true conduits, true means of transmission.”
This is what we believe…
We recognize ourselves as a nation and an original people that accept and recognize their connection with the Great Mystery. We recognize the primary existence of Earth, Air, Water and Fire as the source and source of life, we recognize ourselves as givers of life and as such are our first and closest Family.
We recognize the relationship with all beings and principles that come from the same origin. We assume our legitimate right as heirs and custodians of the original knowledge, to practice the teachings and instructions contained in the traditions of our Ancestors. We recognize in our consciousness, the purpose of being absolutely everything we are capable of being, and thus realize our potential as a living expression of Creation.
We recognize the same origin and the same brotherhood with all the beings of this earth, and we are aware that the different forms of creed do not separate us. We do not impose a doctrine or a creed but the very pursuit of knowledge and belief. We propose ritual spaces so that each one has an encounter with himself and with the sacred, understanding the sacred as an experience and a personal relationship.
We recognize the path of sacred plants as teachers of power and teaching, to use them as a sacrament, seeking and respecting their ritual management and their ancestral form as a vehicle to achieve a state of consciousness and health, rejecting the irresponsible use of these grandmothers' power .
The Word as a creative verb and of Good Saying, summons the dream of the Great Spirit and demands its fulfillment. We recognize the power of the word as the expression of the truth of our inner being when we raise it to the four directions of the Universe: We want to be what we say we are; we want to do what we commit ourselves; we want to walk with the value of our word, with a commitment to integrity with what we express through it; therefore, our commitment to use and sustain it, making the Word an action for our life.
Our path includes all people, all races, nations and peoples of the four directions of this Earth. It is our decision and desire, to exist in balance of harmony with all that exists, in order to honor our relationships, in the understanding of the unity of the Great Family of Life.
In this desire and in this knowledge we form the ecumenical spiritual organization Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan, and we declare our willingness to make it a legal organization, with presence and recognition at an international level.
Our commitment to sustain these forms means a permanent work to generate spaces and temples to gather the different original knowledge, within their own designs, in order to extend and sow the alliance and respect to all the original cultures as an inherent part of this Fire.
We believe in humility, will, sincerity and integrity as principles of the search for knowledge, which is sown in the heart as experience and experience of the sacred in ritual. These principles allow us to have a vision to walk each of our lives.
We seek and work for peace and dignity, as well as in the rescue, support and reactivation of the ancestral powers to put them at the service of the people. Thus, we want to take a voice in defense of the Memory, of the care of the inheritance of the children;we long to be able to live our mission. The one of taking care of all the life, ours and the one of all the creatures that inhabit the planet, thanks to the goodness and care of the four spirits of the original Sacred Family: the Father Fire, the Mother Earth and our brothers Water and Air.
We raise the conscience and the spirit to summon the protective spirits, to take care of the rituals and the good handling of the instruments of the sacred medicines, to recover the memory of how to use them and how to transmit these forms, as our grandparents taught us.
This is how we want to live our life, with the power to dream our dreams in the same direction as the Dreams of Creation.
Excerpt from Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan of the Mayab
For the fulfillment of these Principles our objectives are:
1. To strive for the spiritual development of people following the guidelines of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan.
2. Prepare, develop and preserve the ceremonial spaces to make the ceremonies of Vision Search, Sun Dance and other designs that are delivered by the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan or by alliances.
3. Establish alliances and cooperation agreements with indigenous peoples, spiritual traditions or with entities whose social purpose is related.
4. Promote the conservation and defense of natural resources, their management and use.
5. Constitute areas of special reserves and forestry in lands acquired by the organization.
6. Strengthen the ties of union with the different spiritual traditions and indigenous peoples of Mother Earth.
7. Work in the recovery, conservation, application and dissemination of knowledge of the different forms of ancestral medicine.
8. Organize and perform the ceremonies of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan.
9. Promote the conservation and projection of spiritual, environmental and cultural heritage to future generations, in better conditions of use, conservation and knowledge as a superior material base for their well-being.
Note: These principles and objectives have been extracted from several of the constitution documents of the Sacred Fire of Itzachilatlan in other countries. It is not a finished document but open to suggestions.
Moving forward during a time when Native languages are becoming used less and less and the people of the world are of more mixed ancestry, we try to maintain a continuation of the old ways. While some details of songs and ceremonies may have been lost or are incongruent with the present time, we feel it is an obligation to keep what we can the way it has been for many, many years.
As our ancient Ancestors did so long ago, there is still a magic that comes through now when we are open to the mysterious revealing itself through us. We are an evolution, a prayer manifesting and so it does not serve to refrain from listening to Spirit while allowing the creativity to spring forth. Songs and other messages may be gifted to any of us if we are open to the possibilities. Buffalo Goddess celebrates the various manifestations that may be shared for all to enjoy and learn from when done with respect for the time and place which expressed.