2020 marks the beginning for many of us in a myriad of ways. This Women’s All Night Ceremony will be the first of many more Pagan based ceremonies honoring aspects of the Divine Feminine. We will tap into our Ancient roots calling in the Great Mother Goddess and other deities in alignment with our placement in the wheel of the year.
Our shared space, one of acceptance, will be an invitation to release energies which are not serving. We always return to our SHARED HEART. WOMBEN…. We are conduits to Spirit. Let’s allow our consciousness to travel in dreamtime realm where we may hear the whispers from Persephone. She is patiently waiting to meet you as we welcome her return!
This ritual will be an honoring of returning life, full of inspirations, cleansing, rebirth, creativity, and nurturing in a sacred circle. We will be anchored in our Mother Earth as we connect with our star relatives. We will discover our evolving identity with our plant allies who have moved many of us to seek authentic relationship with our ancestry. An altered state may be reached through sacred and safe plants, songs, dance, prayers, Divining, playing, and creating as we reenact our own Ancient Eleusinian Mysteries Ritual. Expect the unexpected!
Our Spring Equinox Night Ceremony will begin by establishing safe boundaries, stating intentions, and setting our compass down in the Mother Earth while acknowledging all 7 directions. This ritual will take place mostly indoors. Weather permitting, we may have an outdoor fire. We will make offerings in the central point, at pivotal points in the night. Between these specific points will be intuitively guided to explore as we share stories, poetry, and other forms of art/beauty as we experience deep healing.
Participants will need to commit to staying in our home and yard space for its entirety. We will utilize our Lafayette home space so be prepared to share close space with fellow travelers. Please bring bedding, necessary toiletries, flowers, healthy food, chocolate, instruments, Divination tools, a journal, essential oils/sprays, and whatever else calls to you to share. Dress up, or down if you prefer!
Snacks, light breakfast, magikal medicines, cozy home temple, and guided - safe - ritual circle will be provided. Investment to participate in this special ceremony is a sliding scale of $100 to $200. A $100 deposit will hold your spot. This may be dropped off in cash, through Venmo: @Rea-Beaubien, or Paypal friends and family: buffalogoddess7@gmail.com
We have limited space for 12 or 13 specific women. To RSVP, have your questions answered, and to see if this ceremony is a good fit, email Rea: buffalogoddess7@gmail.com
The Eleusinian Mysteries celebrated Persephone's return, for it was also the return of plants and of life to the earth. She had eaten the six pomegranate seeds (symbols of lives) while in the underworld (underground, like seeds in the winter) and her rebirth is therefore symbolic of the rebirth of all plant life during the spring and, by extension, all life on Earth.
The Ancient Mysteries were held for nearly 2,000 years in the town of Elusia, twelve miles from Greece. The Eleusinian Mysteries were divided into two parts, in the spring the Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries or the Festival of the Returning Daughter, and the Greater Mysteries which took place in the autumn. The Lesser Mysteries were open to all free men and women who were not guilty of murder or other serious crimes.
The Lesser Mysteries were a celebration of Persephone’s return from the Underworld and the rebirth of the earth through the miracle of spring. People participating in the Lesser Mysteries were taught the theology of the two Goddesses, Demeter and Persephone, and the meaning of the rites of the Mysteries. Through this process they would become purified and initiated, ready to take part in the Greater Mysteries later in the year. In the rites of the Greater Mysteries they could experience what they have learned culminating with a “vision” of the Goddess Persephone.