1 - Buffalo Directional Song
1 - Buffalo Directional Song
Sacred Face pertains to all women. Regardless of what form you have come into this life, your face is sacred the way it is. It is describing you as a woman. As you look to the thunder beings, they bring forth the thunder. As you bring the canupa to Earth, you feed the white buffalo. Bring yourself on this Earth with the canupa. The spirits are feeding you with knowledge and you are being fully recognized by the thunder beings. You, yourself, as a woman ARE that white buffalo calf. You are sacred. Feel it in your mind and in your heart. Sing harmoniously. Put your heart and emotions into it. This is describing YOU and will show you a lot about yourself.
Songs are sung in the feminine form so if you are a man learning then endings would be “yo” instead of “ye”. All songs on Sacred Face are presented without the call and response. If you wish to sing them with the call and response then the first singer would need to call out the first line while other singers would repeat the first line one more time. All songs may be used in a traditional inipi (sweat lodge) and some for canupa (Pipe) ceremonies. This recording is dedicated to ALL WOMEN.