This is a women's gathering in prayer over our sacred waters of Creation. Together, with love, we experience a simple yet profound relationship to our sacred waters and Grandmother Moon. She will be waxing to her fullness on Tuesday but not quite full!
As some of us who have been meeting have found, it is natural for us to nurture one another through our eyes, voices, a simple hug, food, whatever it is, it feels powerful and much needed at this time. If you are able to participate, our time together will revitalize your Being. Women, we are magic for one another.
Please wear a skirt to honor our connection to Mother Earth. Bring a healthy potluck dish, walking shoes, layers for warmth, copper or other small vessel, water from other location to share (sacred water for our prayer), natural item to leave on our altar such as a crystal, shell, flower, etc..., and a water or women's song to share.
I'd also like to encourage our Water Blessing to be a collaboration. If you have an idea for a new way we can honor our waters, then most definitely do that! Bring whatever you'll need for this unless other sisters may be able to help out with preparing. (I have an idea for the next one).
*We'll leave our beloved little ones with sitters so we have a chance to have some fun together.
Welcome Women!!!
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Earlier Event: June 27
Women's Water Blessing & Potluck
Later Event: April 3
Australia 2019 Song Circles